Monday, May 20, 2013

Purple Loosestrife

Scientific Name:Lythrum salicaria

Common Name: Purple Loosestrife

Description: long thing green leaves with small purple flowers

Reproduction: produces 2-3 million seeds

Problems Caused: clogs water canals

Prevention: immediate removal and herbicides


Scientific Name:Slavinia molesta

Common Name: Salvinia

Description: thick small round leaves

Reproduction: roots onto leaves

Problems Caused: produces thick mats and remove oxygen from the water

Prevention: immediate removal and herbicides

Water Lettuce

Scientific Name:Pistia stratiotes

Common Name: Water Lettuce

Description:looks like and open head of lettuce

Reproduction: through daughter plants

Problems Caused:forms a thick mat of leaves that prevent boating and vegetation

Prevention: immediate removal and herbicides

Water Hyacinth

Scientific Name:Eichhornia crassipes

Common Name: Water Hyacinth 

Description: large green leaves and large white flowers

Reproduction: through daughter cells

Problems Caused:take up all nutrients in the water and produce H ions which acidifies the water

Prevention: immediate removal and herbicides

Eurasian Watermilfoil

Scientific Name:Myriophyllum spicatum

Common Name: Eurasian Watermilfoil 

Description: long thin tan branches and this green leaves

Reproduction: seeds and fragments

Problems Caused:prevents sunlight from reaching the floor of a water body and prevents boating

Prevention: immediate removal and herbicides


Scientific Name: Hydrilla verticillata

Common Name: Esthwaite Waterweed orHydrilla

Description: long stems, small leaves

Reproduction: tubers,turions, stolons and fragments 

Problems Caused:takes over vegetation

Prevention: immediate removal and herbicides

Alligator Weed

Scientific Name:  Alternanthera philoxeroides

Common Name: Alligator Weed

Description: long stems, simple leaves, and a white puff ball like flower

Reproduction: during warm months, spreads in seed or plant fragments

Problems Caused: can grow in a variety of climates, forms a mat like web of plants which eliminate sunlight to the bottom of waterways.

Prevention: immediate removal and herbicides