Monday, May 20, 2013

Purple Loosestrife

Scientific Name:Lythrum salicaria

Common Name: Purple Loosestrife

Description: long thing green leaves with small purple flowers

Reproduction: produces 2-3 million seeds

Problems Caused: clogs water canals

Prevention: immediate removal and herbicides


Scientific Name:Slavinia molesta

Common Name: Salvinia

Description: thick small round leaves

Reproduction: roots onto leaves

Problems Caused: produces thick mats and remove oxygen from the water

Prevention: immediate removal and herbicides

Water Lettuce

Scientific Name:Pistia stratiotes

Common Name: Water Lettuce

Description:looks like and open head of lettuce

Reproduction: through daughter plants

Problems Caused:forms a thick mat of leaves that prevent boating and vegetation

Prevention: immediate removal and herbicides

Water Hyacinth

Scientific Name:Eichhornia crassipes

Common Name: Water Hyacinth 

Description: large green leaves and large white flowers

Reproduction: through daughter cells

Problems Caused:take up all nutrients in the water and produce H ions which acidifies the water

Prevention: immediate removal and herbicides

Eurasian Watermilfoil

Scientific Name:Myriophyllum spicatum

Common Name: Eurasian Watermilfoil 

Description: long thin tan branches and this green leaves

Reproduction: seeds and fragments

Problems Caused:prevents sunlight from reaching the floor of a water body and prevents boating

Prevention: immediate removal and herbicides


Scientific Name: Hydrilla verticillata

Common Name: Esthwaite Waterweed orHydrilla

Description: long stems, small leaves

Reproduction: tubers,turions, stolons and fragments 

Problems Caused:takes over vegetation

Prevention: immediate removal and herbicides

Alligator Weed

Scientific Name:  Alternanthera philoxeroides

Common Name: Alligator Weed

Description: long stems, simple leaves, and a white puff ball like flower

Reproduction: during warm months, spreads in seed or plant fragments

Problems Caused: can grow in a variety of climates, forms a mat like web of plants which eliminate sunlight to the bottom of waterways.

Prevention: immediate removal and herbicides 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Today's Lab

In today's lab it was interesting to see all the different organisms in the pond water. It was weird that Mrs. Wood and Ross put the leech on their arms! It was creepy to look up close at the leech and fish fly larva.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Free Day-Water Turbines

In Australia new forms of hydroelectric power are coming about. One of these is water turbines. These water turbines are placed in the ocean about 100 yards off the shore. They create energy by being pushed by the natural currents of the ocean. These water turbines show amazing prospects due to the fact that there is no way for them to stop producing energy since currents are always moving through the ocean. The turbines show better promise than wind turbines since the wind is not always guaranteed. Another great thing about these water turbines is that they do little to no harm to environment. They do not disrupt the animal life in Australia, nor to they produce any pollutants or emissions. Water turbines should be incorporated into the worlds energy program since they show nothing but good clean energy.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Volvox is a colony of 500 to up to 50,000 cells and had two flagella. The volvox reproduces through daughter colonies. Some volvox colonies cause algae blooms in the summer, these blooms cause damage to fish gills. Most volvox colonies live in freshwater.

Monday, May 6, 2013


I learned that all sharks and rays can coexist in a tank. I learned that manatees and sea turtles can live in the same tank. I learned the different origins of several new fish. I learned that flashlight fish are nocturnal. I also learned that sea otters are the largest in the otter family. I loved seeing all the fish and seeing new species. I did not like not being able to see the octopus or cheetah.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Toads have dry and bumpy skin. They have poison glands behind their eyes. Toads do not hop, but walk. Frogs have slimy silky skin and leap great distances. Both have strong back legs and pulsate their mouths. They also both have acute hearing and can only see in black and white. Amphibians can tell change in the weather. When their is going to be rain, more amphibians are present, but when the habitat is unusually dry the amphibians go into hiding or find shelter. The decline in amphibian populations can be linked to the entering of a new predator, pollution, or the destruction of their habitats. Prevention of the extinction of these amphibians is to stop the destruction of their environments.

How to Assess a Pond

First you observe. You see if there are any dead plant or animals. Then for algae blooms or a film or foamy surface of the water. Then you examine the algae and insects under a microscope. You then identify it is good algae, or bad. Then you test the water quality. You can test temperature, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, or pH. After that you do chemical testing. You can test for mercury, foam, chlorine, soap, oil, or gas.